Author Archives: Nicolas Form

About Nicolas Form

I'm Nicolas Form, multi-skill programmer, aesthete and joyful French guy. On this blog I share my tips and tutorials about programming and IT in general. I am freelance, so you can also contact me about a website, an Android app or any other software you need. Check my portfolio and drop me a line!

[Unity3D] Automatically add languages supported by your WSA packages

If you ever built a WSA package with Unity for the Microsoft Store on Windows, maybe you have seen that in the MS store dashboard the parameter “Languages supported by your packages” only shows English. To fix that, after the … Continue reading

Posted in Various | Leave a comment

Swap the rows and columns of an HTML table

I looked on the web how to quickly swap rows and columns but most of the solutions involved CSS. The EPUB format does not handle CSS very well and I preferred to convert the table in pure HTML. The only … Continue reading

Posted in Various | Leave a comment

Letter O or digit 0?

When playing online with friends yesterday, I had to dictate over phone a short URL with random characters in it. Unfortunately, some characters could have been the letter O or the digit 0 and I was unable to know that! … Continue reading

Posted in Web | 1 Comment

[Unity3D] Manage links with TextMeshPro

In Unity3D, you can use TextMeshPro or TextMeshProUGUI with embedded links. For example, your text can be: But this is not enough to get it open on click. You also need to handle the click and execute the action you … Continue reading

Posted in Unity3D | 4 Comments

[Unity3D] Make a Coroutine synchronous

In Unity3D, Coroutine is a great tool to make parallel scripts in a safe way. However, in certain cases you may need to execute a Coroutine synchronously, and Unity does not offer any method out of the box to do … Continue reading

Posted in Unity3D | 12 Comments

Restart service after update (Android)

For my Android project Stopeen, I implemented a functionality to schedule actions with a recurrence over time. But one of my problem was : when people will update my app from the store, the service in background will be killed, … Continue reading

Posted in Android | 5 Comments

Android Studio Bookmarks

Here is a small tip for Android Studio. I added a bookmark by accident, in one of my source file, and I did not find out easily how to remove it.

Posted in Android | 4 Comments

Parallax scrolling in HTML5

The parallax scrolling is an effect applied to an image to make it move slower or faster than the other images. This effect is very popular in the 2D games, to create a feeling of deepness : when an image … Continue reading

Posted in Web | Leave a comment

Turn off 4G on Android phones

You can stop looking for a “4G switch” to toggle 4G in your Android settings, it does not exists. To turn off 4G on smartphones, you need to disable access to the LTE network. Many Android devices (Galaxy S4, Galaxy … Continue reading

Posted in Android | 26 Comments

Activity: forget onPause to handle focus changes

I spent one whole afternoon on a very silly issue about the Android activity lifecyle when the focus changes and the device is turned on. I want to share it with you to avoid you some hours of investigation!

Posted in Android | 1 Comment